Lucky double up 4550 chips 50-100 blinds
Lucky! But I needed it. Gonna try to smash them all.
Monday, 2010-08-23 brief update
I am going to play online tournaments before next session in PokerStars.
Played one tournament $22 freezout 20k guaranteed, quick up to 3500 after the start then JJ were cracked by flush and then K6 guy made runner runner vs my QQ. Unlucky.
Playing another $22 freezout at the moment - the 1pm 12,5k guaranteed. After first two levels I'm with 2955 chips (3000 starting).
Cash game $1/$2NL live
Actually I have good results in this casino, because more than 60% of the players on the table are regular gamblers and the game against them is easy.
Previous day I had about $215 profit, but in the end missed to grow it up. I had KK and lost huge $330 pot vs QQ - the guy hit Queen on the turn.
Yesterday I started good, until I got KK again. The guy on my right raised $16 and I re-raised him $35. He called. Flop was JT3 and when I bet 45, he went all-in. Pot was $360. I called and he shown Q9. Immediately 8 run gave him straight and drawing death for me.
I made rebuy $200 and played over 3 hours. I was very patient to choose the hands where to play and until the end of the session I didn't lose any showdown (WOW).
At the end I had $440 for $40 profit. Actually I felt good in the end of the session.
In two days I won about $250 but missed to grow up them with another about $700 because of bad luck.
But the most important was that I kept my calmness and played good poker.
Out - lost AJ vs TT
River was Jack.
Out before the big money as usual but my place wasn't here :)
Break time - 33 players left
88800 chips, avg. stack is far away 188040.
Blinds are 3000-6000
Next hour will decide my fortune in this tournament.
Last 4 tables left
No play after the last post. Holding about 105000 chips, avg.stack is 162000.
Blinds are 2500-5000
Dbled up TT vs A7s - 122k stack / 121.6k avg
It was my first hand on this table - TT on BB, MP raised 12k (2k-4k blinds), I shoved and he called with A7dd. No surprises on the board.
Up 94000 and back to 66600 / 100700 avg.
77 < AA in last hand where I dropped. I hope its still not over here.
Break time - 64663 chips / 57830 avg. stack
Have to calm down and to take it down this tournament.
If I do - I will officially nominate for phoenix. :)
77>55 47800 chips weeeee. What a progress baby :)
Doubled up!!! 32000 chips / 34000 avg. stack
Amazing - from last 70 chips to 15500
Finally I got good hand and with pocket tens shoved vs min-raiser. But guy from late position called me with KK and only 70 chips left. And dude, I made them 7500!!!! Made trips, flush, two pairs, just in time.
On the bubble when 190 players left I got JJ and decided to play. Min raise from button and I shoved from big blind. The guy called with Q7 and didn't hit anything. Wow 15500 chips.
We are already in the money and my next goal should be the final table :o)
Third break - shorty 11500 chips / 21900 avg. stack blinds 400-800
5 minutes before the break had pocket 8s on the big blinds, player from middle position made a raise and I shoved with 12bb stack but he folded.
266 players left, 189 are in the money.
A6dd>88 (shorstack)
13000 chips / 9300 avg. stack
Second break - 8450 chips / 7820 avg 120-240 blinds
Time to show my best performance.
Quick break and back on the fight.
AA two hands later
Wooow 4x my stack
6770 chips and 5850 avg. stack. The game is different now.
Quick move.
Actually I like to play as shorstack but why it happens to me all the time lately?
Well known situation.
I should survive :)
Lucky river with pocket 8s
Thanks God!
4400 stack and 4900 average.
Blinds 60-120.
2470 chips, 40-80 blinds
Table is tough but, I'm almost card dead, but I believe it could be changed during the second hour.
Tough play
Protecting my stack, 2230 chips but I hope it will not take forever to be fold specialist :)
TT and 88 first 3 hands
Third hand 88 lost vs 99
2775 chips, 225 chips loss. Pretty nice.
...and out again
Silly setup.
Out. Had to play it better. I hope to be the man in 42k gtd in FTP. Starting in 15 minutes
KK vs AQ and won, wow!!! for first time this week
Had KK and flop was T98 and gosh turn J.
Nice that that wasn't everything - the river was Q and I won KQJT9 vs QJT98.
Chip count 4750, blinds 25-50
...and out
No Ace but no King too.
Still in the other one with 3130 chips.
Bad run, good run
And the notable situations from this week - AQdd vs KK - Q turn but not enough help.
Pot was about 11000
Down to 995
All in A5 vs 66 and flopped A - 2290 chips
UTG A6cc all-in (100-200 blinds) - got blinds for 2590 chips.
I hope for better run here. At least it is dynamic.
Evening for tournaments
Still decent stack of 4000 chips after first hour in the first PS tournament.
I'll post the progress here.
Cash 1/2NL fullring AK>QQ $192 pot
AK>QQ $192 pot

Quick lose in the Daily 40k
2010-08-03 Daily 40k First 2 hours update
In last 3 rounds I'm just holding my chips and finished on the second break with 3115 chips and blind levels 125-250, close to 150-300 blind increase. I need some luck to move on ahead.
Tournament today: Daily 40k
Bet update: Final hands
I'm finishing with $23 bankroll. Next time I'll play harder to win the competition :)
Thanks all who followed up the competition.
Later today I am going to play $22 20k guaranteed in Stars @12:00 or/and $11 Daily 40k @2pm.
Bet update: $23.97 bankroll
Hand #217
QQ on UTG. Raise $0.75. Button called me. Lost the hand with flop KJx (he had KQ), but not big damages. My pocket pair today bring me problems only. Down $17.31
Hand #226
AKcc on the button. Limp before me, I raised $0.88. One call after me. I KT5 (all hearts) flop. I made c-bet of $1.25 and the guy folded.
Hand #228
Limp and raise before me. QJdd on hand. I called. Only two. Flop Q96. He bet $1.25, I called. Turn 3. Another bet of $1.25 and I raised $4.30. He folded. I won a pot of $7.24. Bankroll up $21.73
Hand #235
Shorstack shoved his A5. I called with 99. Won. Bankroll $23.97
Bet update: $19.41 bankroll
Hand #203
AK on UTG+2. Bb called. Flop A54. C-bet $0.41. BB folds. Bankroll $19.41. 205 hands played.
Moving up $0.10/$0.25 blinds but will move down if bankroll hits $11 again.
Bet update: Luckyyyyyyyyyyy
Hand #169
UTG with AQ. UTG+1 min-raised my bet. MP gone all-in with 20bb stack. I called. UTG+1 shoved too. I called. Donk play I guess. smaller guy shown KK, UTG+1 shown JJ. But river was A. All agressors should be stacked by fortune. Lucky hand for me. Maybe my move on in the mission? :) Bankroll $18.28, sitting with about $13 on the table (20-50bb one).
Bet update: Breaking the bad run?
Hand #156
Called raise with A8cc from the bb. Flop was AAQ. The guy made c-bet $0.30, I raised $0.67 and he called. Turn was 7. I bet $1.15 but he folded. Bankroll $11.43
Bet update: Luck gone?
Hand #148
Lost AQ vs... Q3. Very sick because flop had 3. No big damages. Bankroll $11.83
Hand #151
QQ CO-1. Two limpers before me. I raised $0.45. One of the limpers called (shorstack). with 55. shoved. made quads of 5. When I could be lucky like these guys? :) Bankroll $10.56
Getting one round break to prepare coffee and concentrate in the game. :)
Bet update: Two winners BR $12.93
Hand #124
Button tried to steal blinds with min raise. I called with QT.
Flop was Q84. He cbet $0.40, I called. Turn 5. Both checked. River 7 and I bet $0.45. He called with A7. Weak. Bankroll $11.92
Hand #139
Limped hand, I'm bb with 75offsuit. Flop is 886. The limper bet $0.10. I called. Turn 4, made my straight. He bet another $0.10, I raised $0.35, he called. River K. I made value bet of $0.51 (and hopt he doesnt slowplay fullhouse). He called. With just T8. Sweet. Bankroll $12.93
Bet update: First bluff in this session
Hand #115
Lost KQ vs AK hand. Bankroll down $10.55. Getting hard time. Dude, this level is harder than 100NL table LOL.
Hand #117
CO tried to steal the blinds but I called him by 65ss. Flop was Q93. We both checked. Turn was T and I decided to bluff him - bet $0.45 and he folded. Cool. Bankroll $10.82
Bet update: Kinda lucky
Hand #101
UTG limped and I called my sb with T2dd. Flop was 8d6s4d. We all checked. Turn was Tc. I bet $0.19, UTG called. River was 4s. We both checked. He shown KQdd. Uh, lucky me.
Hand #104
UTG+1 raised $0.30, I called with 98cc. Flop Q96. He bet $0.30, I called. Turn 8, openned 2 pairs for me. He bet $0.50. I called. River 7. Really sick. He bet only $0.30 on $2.20 pot and I called. Guy had AQ. Lucky me again.
2 hands later I lost A8hh and flush draw nuts for $2 pot and a slight down.
Current bankroll is $12.60.
Bet update: $12.03
I didn't see flop from the last update.
Stealing blinds with hands like AJ and QQ.
Getting 20 minutes break.
Current bankroll is $12.03.
Busted KK vs AQ and new bet with same conditions but $11 starting
Hand #51
KK on MP, guy before me raised $0.30, I shoved, he called with AQ. Flop Q but turn A and I've been busted.
I lost $50 but we made another bet here $11 to $1000 - same conditions.
Hand #52
Won QJdd vs JJ and AKQ flop.
Current bankroll is $11.54
Bet update: Down to $2.08
Hand #33
Down $2.23. AK on MP, guy before me limp, I raise $0.37, he called. Flop T88, check-check. Turn K. He bets $0.40, I call. River 6. He bets $0.90. I called. His hand was 87hh. Lost $3.49 pot and down to $2.23 stack
Current stack is $2.08 (after the blinds)
Bet update: Doubled up to $4.06
Hand #10
Cutoff position with KK. All folded except the guy before me who raise $0.30. I reraised $0.90. He folded. Stack $2.36
Hand #26
AK on CO-1 and raise. button called, bb called too. Won the hand vs button's A8. Current stack $4.06
May I turn $2 to $1000 playing ring cash games today?
Wish me luck! I'll keep you updated.
Current balance: $1.91
2010-07-17 Starting with a hit of 215$ entry with 39$ buy-in
5 minutes ago I just won satellite to 215$ weekly 6-max, playing $39 freezout satellite.
Cool result, below is the screenshot.
I'm looking forward to play 2-3 tournaments tonight. Maybe 5+rebuys (50k gtd) , 5$ 2r1a (25k gtd) and 16.50$ turbo (30k gtd).
Yesterday I played same set of tournaments. Very good rebuy hour in first two 21k in both after the add-on. Moved up 30k in 50k gtd then down 23k. about avg.stack when met 22 with two pair flop and he rivered 2. in the other one moved up 67k then dropped 48k when lost QQ <>
I hope to beat these results today and to keep my play clear of mistakes. And let the fortune be with me :)
Will try find time to keep you updated.
173rd place in SCOOP 12-L Knockout out of 14700+ players
I am glad to present my best result until now in the SCOOP/WCOOP/FTOPs events - 173rd place today in the Knockout. I was in really strong run and kept 10-15h position on chip count during the long period of time. My stack was about 970k when I called from big blind min raise from the button with 97 suited diamonds. Flop was Q34 two diamonds, and called flop bet of my opponent. Turn was 9. He bet. I called again. Maybe the mistake was here - I had to raise maybe? River - 7 - two pairs instead of flush. But the opponent shown 77. Actually he hit the only out on the river. Sick but reality. Pot was about 1.7m. He became chip leader after that.
I'm looking forward to today's 16.50$ second chance event @8pm. (Last minute update - I already freerolling this event because I won fpp 1-table satellite entry for it TWICE lol). Actually I have good expectations for this tournament, because I made final table at same format (16.50$ turbo) this week (9th place when I has been busted JJ <>Maybe when I have more time later, I will post longer blog post about my play in the Knockout. By the way I made 14 (!!!) bounties in this event.
Finished 42nd - lost 99 vs AA hand
163k on break #5, 56 players left, 124k avg., 1.5k-3k/300 blinds
I had very nice hour and all the time my stack moved up in the hands where I participate (except hand where I 3bet from bb with pocket 6 and got a call from KT boy who hit K on the flop).
The most excited hand was when I got huge pot with TT and ATT board. Unfortunately I didn't stack this guy. :(
So, the situation is looking very nice, and I have chances to reach the final table now.
76k stack on the break #4, 46k average, 145 players left
Great 4 levels.
Started with 11k and first hand after the break I had AA. All-in vs. KK and AQ and shocked on the flop with KQx, two diamonds on turn/river made my flush and I moved up to 26.6k
Entered into the money with 29k and I was pleased from my play when I had to hold my stack.
Key hand was when I had A7s on cutoff and button, small blind and big blind called my raise. Flop was 865 and two from my color for straight draw open ended and flush draw nuts. The big blind made big raise and I moved all-in. He used a time to think and folded. 49.5k stack.
Another key hand was when I had J9s vs. limpers and flop came Q86 for straight flush draw. Turn was blank for me, big stack shoved and I folded. Good fold.
3 hands later I won AK vs 88 and moved up my stack to 69.6k
One more big pot I won before the break and my chip count at the moment is 76.4k
Various 3rd hour - 11.5k stack on the break blinds 300-600/50 avg 21k
Had 30k peak but then missed to win 88 vs AK & AK - QJx flop, x turn but T river and dropped to 21k.
One more drop to 15k with Q9s hand and KQx flop against AK guy.
Then I got a pot with QQ and J99-K board and again QQ with J75 flop, which moved me up to 26k.
4 hands later was the key point hand with A8s (always I lose hands which I had to fold preflop). Flop was Txx and one diamond (my color). Turn 6 of diamond opened me additional outs for straight and flush. River black King and lost huge pot vs 99 hand. Dropped to 10k.
Finished the play before the break with 11.5k stack. I should be careful to keep and build up my stack during next levels of play. Blinds are 300-600/50
2nd break - 9700 chips
Bad second hour - dropped to 9700 chips.
I had made hand KTo and KT3 flop vs AJ guy. Q turn ruin me for 12k pot.
Add-on (15k guaranteed) - 18k chips
I had nice rebuy hour. Moved up to 16k stack and added 2k from the add-on.
$5 with rebuys (15k guaranteed) - my warm-up before SCOOP 3-L tonight
I'm playing it right now, as warm-up play before my SCOOP event today.
Last level before add-on, I have 8.1k chips (100-200 blinds)
My SCOOP plans for first week
I'm already set up my schedule for SCOOP events for the first week of the competition. I am going to play SIX events.
I am out of playing today's SCOOP Event 2-L, because it will takes over 15 hours but I am busy at the morning tomorrow.
I am going to start with Event 3-L ($5 with rebuys, 250k guaranteed) on Monday (May, 3rd), 2 pm.
Two events in Tuesday May, 4th: Event 7-L ($15 heads-up, 100k guaranteed) at 5 pm and Event 8-L ($10 freezout, 100k guaranteed) at 8 pm.
Wednesday is out of play for me.
On Thursday, May 6th I am going to play Event 12-L ($25 knockout, 100k guaranteed) at 5 pm.
Friday May 7th - Event 15-L ($15 turbo with second chance, 250k guaranteed) at 8 pm.
Saturday is free of play.
Last SCOOP event for the week is on Sunday, May 9th and it is Event 20-L ($20 freezout, 500k guaranteed) - still not completely sure.
Also I am going to try to qualify via satellites to Middle and High events of these formats, and hope to qualify for at least 2 Middle events.
12825 chips during the second break / 11800 avg. stack
After the missed straight flush draw and drop to 9k , I dropped once again to 8.1k with pocket six and AKQ flop.
Two hands later I got pocket 6s again on UTG position and played them like monster :) 350 bet and got calls from UTG+2 and SB guy. Flop was excellent 864. I bet 700, UTG+2 guy called, SB folded. Turn 3. Bet 1700, he called. River T without flush option. 97 was the only pair of cards which stressed me but I was (almost) sure its impossible two cards for him. I made value bet of 2200 and after small thinking, he called. It was big surprise, because he had... pocket twos. Nice 10400 pot for me, and get back my stack up to 13625 chips.
Three hands later had AK on the button but flop QT2, the guy decided to make my life easy betting 400. I called. Turn 8, same moves. River 3 and I finished with my options to win that hand, just folded after his 1800 bet.
Last hand which I played before the break was QQ (blinds 100-200) from utg+2. I got calls from cutoff and big blind. Flop J96, I bet 900 but they both folded.
Straight flush draw on flop - lost - down to 9150
I raise the cut-off with KJ both diamonds and button and small blind called. Flop T diamond, 9 diamond 6 of clubs for my straight flush draw. I bet/button called/small blind shoved for about 6k chips, I called, button called too with Q3 suited diamonds.
No diamond on turn/river. Small blind won with flopped straight hand 87offsuit. How these idiots win hands?
Down to 9k about average stack.
10545 chips - won pots with QQ and AK
Hand #16 QQ (utg+1), utg limped, i bet 225, he calls, flop T96 - bet/call, turn 9 - check/check, river A - check/check, he had QJ - 8730 chips
Hand #17 AK (bb) I 3-bet, sb called, and shoved after my bet on flop. Shown 44, turn added me straight draw, river A - 10845
First break - chip count 10545
Playing $10 1rebuy 1 addon 20k guaranteed, 7200 chips, starting 6000
Hand #2 AA - all folded
Hand #5 QQ - won - 4000 chips
Hand #8 88 - won - 4615 chips
Hand #9 AQ (bb), sb called, I raised, he called - KQ7 flop c-bet/call, turn check/check, river check/check, the opponent shown the amazing K8. Down to 4350
Out with AJ vs QQ preflop all-in
Second break with 7.5k stack (150-300/40 blinds)
Second hour wasn't really nice to me. Down from my peak of 16k to the current 7.5k
Unlucky AQ hand and guy who called. C-bet after KQ5 flop, and he raised. I called, he shoved on the turn, I fold.
The hand before that missed to commit with T9s hand vs. limper and 4x raiser. Flop J86 rainbow gave me straight draw and 7 on the turn gave me straight nuts. Missed to collect 17k vs two (or atleast to tie this pot if there is another guy with T9 hand). But I don't feel upset I folded that hand.
Looking forward for the third hour after the break.
99 two hands later with A96 board - upstack 11.1k
Three callers. When I saw flop it smelt very nice. I made c-bet half pot two folded, last one called.
Turn K. I bet again half pot but he folded. Sick, maybe I had to check/raise? :)
won QQ lost AK vs KK down to 9.3k stack
Up to 16.1k with QQ and two callers of my 3bet. They both folded my c-bet.
Next hand AK shove vs KK and no Ace on the board.
60-120/15 blinds, 13.9k stack, 10k avg. Table is like read book
After the add-on I was 12420 chips.
Lost QJo hand for 1.7k but quickly moved ahead when I won 8k pot with ATo and 876-A-7 board. The opponent hand A9o
$5 two rebuys and one add-on today
Today I'm playing $5 with two rebuys and one add-on.
I decided to play another style - to use the rebuys if need or in the end of the rebuy period (to fill up the stack).
I started very good with the starting 2500 chips and moved them during the first 4 levels to 6010 chips. It looks very nice. I'll keep you updated.
Two other tournaments today - 20k gtd ($20 freezout), 10k gtd deep stack ($10 buy-in)
Earlier today I posted that I'll play Daily 40k. I decided to grind another two tournaments before that:
- The long party Deepstack $11 freezout - 5000 starting chips / 30 minutes levels - I run very deep before in that tournament after 12-13 hours of play
- $22 freezout 20k guaranteed - serious enough tournament where I played two semifinal tables in the past - 3000 starting chips / 15 minutes levels.
Target 1 is to cash in two of these three tournaments (incl. Daily 40k)
Target 2 is to keep the solid play, without mistakes and to play for first place in the all of these tournaments.
Of course (as usual), I'll keep you in touch with my progress in the tournaments.
Daily 40k today
I am planning to play this tournament today.
Recently my play style became solid and better than before.
I think I have the strength for deep run today, if the fortune is with me, at least in the early phase LOL
12k guaranteed ($8 freezout). Out after 1:30hr play
I joined late the tournament (after first 4 levels of 10 minutes) and played 11 hands only during the first hour. But they were enough to move from starting 3000 chips to the current 5365 chips.
Below is the description of these 3 hands where I played:
Hand #5 KK (sb), co-1 raise, I 3bet. He calls. utg calls too. Flop 955. I bet 950, both fold. Blinds 30/60. My stack is 3950 (starting 3000). Maybe I had to make 1/2 pot bet instead of 2/3 pot bet? Nevermind, already is history. Go ahead.
Hand #10 66 (mp), utg limped, I limped too. Flop Q86, 5 ppl in the hand. Turn A, three spades, Won the pot. 4510 chips
Hand #11 JJ (utg+1), I raised. all until blinds folded. Blinds called. Flop 964. BB bets 1/3 pot bet LOL.I pot bet, he called. Turn J. I bet 1/2 pot bet. Unfortunately he folded. Break time with 5365 chips.
Average stack is 4300. Blinds are 40/80.
After the break I played very bad and 2 hands were enough to be busted.
Hand #15 Seems I cant stay away of the troubles K7s and 753 flop. bb bets, I call. Turn 9 bet call. River Q bet/call. He shown A7. Damn it.1875 chips.
In last hand all before blinds folded. I was on the bb with 2k chips and 97o, 60/120 blinds. SB raised, I tried to bluff him and shoved. He shoved ATs. Brave from his side but he had chips. My move had sense also because he steal the blinds previous hand. No help from flop and turn, the river too (it gave to him straight).
Maybe I played bad after the break, especially in this K7s hand. All is over. Enough for today. 3 tournaments, 1 in the money with good perspective but lucky river for the opponent. So, today is not the day but one day I will take it down again!
In the money in 20k guaranteed
Hand #56 AKs (utg+1) right after the break. All in vs Q7. Turn K River A. 6900 chips now
Hand #57 KQs (utg). Button shove w/ 99, I call. QJx flop, 5 turn, Q river. 11550 chips now. Quick comeback.
Lost electricity for 10 minutes - down to 8k 350/700 blinds.
Hand #86 - 88 (utg) button called w/ 77 - doubled up my stack - 17k - ooooh, cool.
In the money 5 hands later. Now I'm in the action to take it down - awesome first place of $4250
Break time chip count 4800
Hand #34 AQ (co) UTG raised, UTG raised 3x (looks solid guy) flop Q43. He check, I bet, he went all-in w/ AK. Another victim. 12750 chips
Hand #36 AJo (utg+2) two limpers before me. I limp too. KQ8 all spades for flush nuts draw and straight draw. I bet, guy folded. weeee. 14444 chips
Hand #44 Down to 11.3k lost 3k pot w/ AT vs KQ and Q82 all hearts for flush draw. T turn. No heart, ten or ace on the river (15 outs). Unlucky now.
Hand #47 A5s (utg+1) limp from utg, i called. sb went all-in w/ 6bb stack. Call. He shown 88. Only 5 on the river. 10k stack. Blinds 100/200. Lockdown now and keep concentration.
Hand #49 88 (bb) 9bb utg+2 shoved. I call. He snown AJs. He didn't hit (8 on the river for trips). Up 12100 chips.
Hand #51 AT (button) bet and 3bet before me. I folded. Glad I did. They shown QQ and AK.
Hand #52 KK. Short stack with A9 called. Ace on the river. Damn. Back to 10300 chips. Need a bit luck in these variances.
Hand #54 66. Called 4bb to shorstack. Flop QJT. Folded his bet. He saved me 3bb :)
Hand #55 T9s and flush/straitght draw. Called shove. He shown KK, unlucky. Darn. Down to 5k right before the break. I didn't need to do that. First mistake of the tournament until now. Had to fold this hand.
Busy first three levels in my turbo freezout 5800 stack (2000 starting)
Hand #4 QQ vs KK - I bet, he 3bet, I 4bet, he all-in. Lucky flop Q. Doubled up.
Hand #5 AQ lost vs second pair flush draw boy. Flush comes with the river. Down to 2900
Hand #6 QQ vs JJ - no hit this time for both of us. 4900 chips.
Hand #7 Q7s hearts. The strangest one - i was in the pot because they all limped my bb. 2 hearts on the flop. All checks. Straight drawn been added on the turn. Called 666 bet. Straight arrived on the river. I checked but he checked too. Another nice pot.
Hand #8 A2o (sb) Limpers again. I made my half blind call. Someone raised and I fold. A2s flop. WOW. Turn K, river J, I dind't see his cards, but I think my right play avoided possible mess in this hand.
Hand #10 KTo (cut-off) All folds before me, I bet 95 (20/40 blinds). SB and BB folds. Chip count 5900
Hand #11 A8o (co-1) Same situation. LOL. I like this table.
Hand #13 A8s vs. limpers. I limped too. Flop 98x, one opened with blind bet, I raised, but guy after me shoved and I folded.
New 25/50 blind level and... new table blah. Previous was good one, but it is history now.
Out w/ 88 vs. AK
Just folded some hands from after the play resume after the break. Played two hands, you could see their descriptions below:
Hand #68 PALLEKULA raised all-in each hand for a period of time. I got AJo in middle position of hand #68 and raised 350. Flop small cards only I check, other guy checked, PALLEKULA bet 450. Had to think but folded.
Hand #70 Last hand for me. 88 on small blind. Button raised 350. I reraised 850 of my about 2800 stack. He shoved. I call. He shown AK and I had to hope for luck. Flop was super - 942. Turn 3 gave him straight draw option and 10 outs for 21.7% chance. Unfortunately he hitted. River was Ace and I missed to double up. Out. Joining next one - 5.50$ turbo (20k gtd) in 35 minutes.
I didn't cash but I still think positive :)
First hour break - 3090 stack
I hold my initial stack - finished first hour with 3090 chips. I was down to about 2000 but recovered. Below is the resume of the hands which I played:
Hand #3 - AQ in middle position - called 4x raise. Flop K83, he made 1/3 pot bet, I raised, he moved all-in. I fold. 2745 chips.
Hand #9 - ATs middle position - raise, got call, flop low cards, check check, turn K, he bets I fold. 2575 chips.
Hand #12 - A2s called guy from middle position, sb 3bet, I called, SB called also and I smell I'll fold quick. Flop Kxx. Massive bet from sb (!!!) made it very easy. All folds. But he shows.. KK
Hand #42 I tried to steal the blinds from button w/ JTo. bb called. board J86 flop 8 turn, he called my bets, both checked the river. He shown 54s hand. TY for the chips LOL
Hand #44 - QQ and one caller.lower flop. I bet 2/3 of pot. He folded. Back to initial 3k stack.
Break time. To be continued...
Heading to start $5 freezout 20k gtd - read more ->
Heading the start in 20k guaranteed.
I changed my mind for today. My initial decision was to play Daily 40k but I decided to play two $5 freezout tournaments instead of DFG.
I will keep my followers updated with my progress!
Bill Michaelski Wins WSOP Circuit Tournament w/ 230$ buy-in. Read more ->
Las Vegas, NV
Bill Michaelski won the most recent World Series of Poker Circuit event held at Caesars Palace Las Vegas. He was declared the champion after an unusual deal was reached between the top seven finishers.

While dealmaking is very much a part of the tournament poker scene, it’s rare for so many players to agree to a split. Michaelski was officially paid $15,413 for first place and was awarded the symbolic prize commemorating victory – the WSOP Circuit gold ring. This was Michaelski first time to cash in a WSOP event and first major tournament victory.
Michaelski, age 28, is originally from Syracuse, NY. He worked as a senior accountant before recently making the move to Las Vegas to play poker professionally full-time. Michaelski has been living in Las Vegas for only about two months and now, has a victory which should inspire some confidence in the months and years ahead. Michaelski’s previous cashes include two wins in smaller tournaments held at the Turning Stone Casino in upstate New York.
The $230 buy-in No-Limit Hold’em tournament was the 15th of 19 events on this year’s Caesars schedule. The two-day competition was played on April 23rd and 24th. The tournament attracted a large field of 331 players, which created a prize pool totaling $64,214. The top 36 players collected prize money. After 321 players were eliminated on Day One, the final table was held on Day Two.
There were no former gold ring winners among the final nine players, which meant a first-time champion was guaranteed. Tony De Felice arrived at the Final Table with a slight chip lead. But at least five players were all within striking distance, which meant a wide open finale was expected.
That’s exactly what happened, as players played conservatively during the early rounds. In fact, two hours passed before the first player was eliminated. After Neal Cooke went out in eighth place, the remaining players began discussing a deal, and with the stacks sizes very near even all around the table, an agreement was quickly made.
In other WSOP Circuit-related news, three-time gold ring winner Dwyte Pilgrim responded yesterday to the mischievous remarks made by Andrew Malott. Pilgrim’s response was posted in the blog written by veteran poker writer Kaelaine Minton who is currently working an event in Atlantic City.
Malott, who won his first gold ring at Caesars Palace on Friday, called out Pilgrim and told him he’s going for multiple rings which would challenge Pilgrim’s reputation as the WSOP Circuit dominant player in recent years. “I’m going to catch up to your rings,” Malott predicted.
“Anybody can win one ring,” Pilgrim replied. “Come see me when you’ve got two.”
Andrew Malott Wins WSOP Circuit Tournament 550$ buy-in. Read more ->
Las Vegas, NV
Andrew Malott has taken some wicked beats in his short, but memorable professional poker career. At last year’s WSOP, Malott had a healthy stack and was down to five-handed play in a $1,500 buy-in No-Limit Hold’em event. Malott moved all-in with pocket kings and was called an opponent who showed ace-jack.
Malott loved his spot and seemed primed to take the chip lead en route to what could have been a gold bracelet victory and nearly life-changing prize money of half a million dollars. Instead, Malott’s kings were cracked, leaving 29-year-old aspiring champion to ponder the possibilities of what might have been.
Fast forward ten months later to Caesars Palace Las Vegas and the latest WSOP Circuit event.
Andrew Malott, a year older and a bit wiser, overcame a tough field of 162 players in the $550 buy-in No-Limit Hold’em event and won his first WSOP-related victory. First place paid $20,820. But for Malott, it was just as much about the gold ring and the satisfaction of victory as the prize money.
“It’s really cool to win here because when you get to that situation (before) when you get the win within your clutches and you go out the way I did, you just come back with even more of a hunger,” said Malott moments after the victory.
“Every time you get into one of these situations, you want to do everything you can so it won’t slip through your fingers because it’s such a brutal experience to go to a WSOP final table and not scoop it.”
Malott had some fun immediately following his victory. Boosted by the confidence of his first-ever WSOP Circuit win, he issued a challenge to three-time WSOP Circuit gold ring winner Dwyte Pilgrim.
“This is to my boy, Dwyte Pilgrim,” barked Malott for the entire poker world to hear. “I’m going to catch up to your rings, kid. The rings are going to be all over my fingers. You know how it’s going to go….I’m coming for you Dwyte Pilgrim, let’s go!”
Pilgrim, who did not show up at this year’s Caesars series was not available for comment.
(Editor's Note: Pilgrim was at the Borgata Spring Poker Open at the time of Malott's remarks, where he took 2nd place in the $1,000 buy-in, six-handed NLH event. Veteran poker writer Kaelaine Minton, who is currently in Atlantic City covering the event, posted Pilgrim's response to Malott in her blog which can be seen here: http://borgatapoker.blogspot.com/2010/04/dwyte-pilgrim-responds-to-challenge.html)
The tournament, the 13th of 19 on this year’s Caesars schedule, was played on April 22nd and 23rd. The tournament attracted 162 players, which created a prize pool totaling $78,570. The top 18 players collected prize money. After 152 players were eliminated on Day One, the final table was held on Day Two.
Malott was not the only winner worthy of praise. Among those who cashed was Patrick Kellett, who finished in 10th place. Mr. Kellett is 85 years old, making him one of the oldest players ever to cash in a WSOP Circuit event. An English native, he served as a fighter pilot in World War II for the Royal Air Force and fought under Gen. Montgomery’s command in North Africa.
When Mr. Kellett was eliminated in tenth place, all the players in the tournament gave him a round of applause and offered handshakes. It was a special moment for everyone, demonstrating that despite poker’s competitive nature, there remains room for mutual respect and admiration.
Another player who cashed in this tournament was Everett Carlton, who won Event #3 and his first gold ring. This time, Carlton took 17th place in what was his third time to cash at this year’s Caesars series. He also took 4th place in another event.
There was one former WSOP gold bracelet winner among the final nine players – Toto Leonidas, who won a seven-card stud event at the 2003 WSOP. Andrew Malott arrived at the Final Table as chip leader. Closest in chips when play began was Kenton Taylor, who was within striking distance. During most of the eight-hour finale, Malott was the chip leader. In fact, he was never in serious danger of elimination at any point.
When Final Table play began, the nine finalists and their starting chip counts were as follows:
1 Toto Leonidas Los Angeles, CA 220,500
2 Matt Schwarmann Orlando, FL 200,000
3 Sean “the Bluffer” Mullaghy Billings, MT 41,500
4 Kenton Taylor El Centro, CA 271,000
5 “KC” Panjwani Houston, TX 190,500
6 Andrew Malott Las Vegas, NV 307,000
7 Louis Lau Seattle, WA 142,000
8 Jason Smith Chandler, AZ 129,500
9 Anton Kunikeyev Las Vegas, NV 37,500
Final table play began at 2:00 pm and ended nearly eight hours later at 9:45 pm. Players busted out in the following order:
Ninth Place: KC Panjwani Suffers 9th Nervous Breakdown
KC Panjwani, a remodeling contractor from Houston, was eliminated quickly and went out in ninth place. He lost a few big hands very early on, and was forced to settle for $2,161 in prize money.
Eighth Place: Time is “Not” on Lau’s Side
Louis Lau, a restaurant owner from Seattle, WA ended up in eighth place. Lau, who is originally from Hong Kong, cashed for the first time in a WSOP-related event and pocketed $2,554. He had previously won an event at The Wynn Poker Classic.
Seventh Place: Anton Kunikeyev, We Miss You
Anton Kunikeyev, a performer in the Cirque du Soleil’s Las Vegas show “Zumanity,” was the seventh-place finisher. The Moscow-born artist plays in many local tournaments. He has also previously cashed on the WSOP Circuit at Harrah’s Atlantic City. Seventh place paid $3,142.
Sixth Place: Tumbling Dice Come Up Snake Eyes for Sean Mullaghy
Sean Mullaghy, a welder from Billings, MT is an avid poker player. He plays in many Montana games, which is a hotbed of poker. Mullaghy, who has the poker nickname “the Bluffer,” has also previously cashed at the WSOP in Las Vegas. This was his second time to finish in the money at this year’s Caesar’s series (he was 17th in Event #3). Mullaghy received $3,929.
Fifth Place: Toto Can’t Always Get What He Wants
Toto Leonidas, former gold bracelet winner, went bust about six hours into play when he lost a race with AK versus pocket 4s. Leonidas therefore had to settle for fifth place, which paid $4,911. Leonidas currently has 24 WSOP cashes, which puts him in the top-100 all time. This was his third time to cash at the WSOP Circuit at Caesars Palace.
Fourth Place: Matt Schwarmann Gets Shattered
Matt Schwarmann, a 23-year-old graduate of University of Central Florida-now turned poker player, went out in fourth place when his draw missed and he ended up losing to a pair of aces. Schwarmann, who took fourth place in the WSOP Circuit championship held two weeks ago at Harrah’s St. Louis repeated that same finish here, which paid $6,286. Schwarmann also cashed in last year’s WSOP Main Event (279th).
Third Place: No Emotional Rescue for Kenton Taylor
Kenton Taylor went deep, but ultimately ran out of momentum late when he busted out with A9 against pocket 8s. Taylor, an accountant from the San Diego area, accepted third place, which was his best major tournament finish ever. Taylor, who finished in ninth place in one of the Harrah’s Rincon tournaments held last month, accepted a nice payout totaling $8,053.
Second Place: Jason K. Smith Gets No Satisfaction
When heads-up play began, Andrew Malott enjoyed about a 3 to 1 chip lead over Jason Smith. The two rivals battled for about 20 minutes before Malott won the final hand of the tournament.
The last hand came when Smith was dealt Qs Jd. Malott was dealt Kc Ts. Smith moved all in on the turn hoping to steal the pot and Malott quickly called holding top pair. The final board Kh 8c 6c 5d 4s showed , which meant Malott’s pair of kings took down the last pot of the night.
Jason K. Smith, from Chandler, AZ ended the tournament as the runner up. He currently has four WSOP cashes, and finished in third place just three weeks ago at the WSOP Circuit event held at Harrah’s Rincon, near San Diego. Second place paid $12,571.
First Place: Andrew Malott is a Street Fighting Man
Andrew Malott is originally from Detroit. He lived for several years in Chandler, AZ and has recently relocated to Las Vegas, primarily to play more live poker. Malott says he expects to win “at least one” WSOP gold bracelet coming up in June and July, and is confident he will achieve a breakthrough year in poker. First place paid $20,820 and the coveted gold ring, presented to all WSOP Circuit event champions.
(source - http://www.wsop.com)
Daily 40k today
After the streak of very good (but not excellent) results - 24th (Out of 1300+ players), 64th, 67th 220th, 221st (all out of 2600+ players), I am going to fight for good score today also.
I am planning to join one tournament - Daily 40k Guaranteed ($11 freezout).
Wish me luck. I'll keep all my followers updated with my progress during the tournament.
5th break - 54k stack, blinds 2.5k/5k 230 players left
5th break - 54k stack, blinds 2.5k/5k 230 players left
Situation is clear - I'm short and should find the right hand to double up and continue the dream.
71k stack on 4th break, avg stack is 52k.
I had upswing to 92k but lost 25k in 88 vs KK hand.
622 players left. Table is decent, if I keep playing right, I have good chances.
The chip leader of the table is idiot, who doubled up his stack with a draw JT (called after 3-bet) vs AK and AQ9 board. King on the turn.
3rd break - 55500 chips, 28000 average
Four of 4s and pocket queens - 40k stack now
I got 44 in hand and flop A4x, AJ and AK pushed all-in. Turn was 4 for my four of king fours. Great 23k pot.
Next hand I had QQ, board was 656, I bet 1200, JJohnyJJ raised me 3500, I reraised 8300. He folded, after the hand he said he had pocket nines. Did I have to call his raise? Maybe, who know.
88 in middle position - won 10k pot
88 in middle position. Limped. BB raised 3x, I called
Flop 872. He bets, I min-raise, he min-raise, I re-raise 2500, he calls.
Turn 6. Push. He shows JJ
TT on SB
First hand after the add-on. Called 360 to the button. Flop is Q98 all clubs , both checked (ten of clubs in my hands for straight flush draw), turn club for flush, I bet 550, he calls. Rive paired the board. I bet 1250, he went all-in.
I folded. Down to 13.5k.
15500 chips stack after the add-on
It is my highest until the start of rebuy period.
Good stack. Let the work starts now.
Btw, so high antes today. I like the original version with 15min levels and normal blind structure.
10 minutes before end of rebuys - 10567 chips
3k pot won w/ J4 and flop KJx turn 4, river 4
I think I played very smart that hand. Weak limp from UTG+1, and I called his pot bet. Turn gave me 2 pairs , he check/called, then check/called the river.
Three unlucky hands after that and I'm back from 7.7k to 4.7k stack but the table is easy.
Good start in $5 rebuy
Had pre-flop all in w/ JJ vs. J9 - no surprises. Pot was 4k.
6k stack right after the start of the tournament (new structure today - 2k initial buy-in, 2k rebuy, 4k add-on, 12 minutes per blind level)
Out in the turbo
Today is maybe not my day.
Out against crap cards, which collected straight. Darn.
In $5 rebuy - maybe my last for tonight.
Heading in 2r1a $5 tournament tonight
I just joined it.
Earlier today had great play in Turbo takedown satellite. I won the entry but unfortunately I didn't play it because I arrived to late at home.
Actually I just expected that. But I pleased my play in the satellite, lots of known by me players from cash/tournament tables were there.
I hope I will show the same performance in the current tournament.
Won Sunday Million Entry via 2+R 2x turbo satty

Just joined this tournament before to go to bed. Had awful rebuy period with lots pair vs pair lost hands and others.
2 hands before the end of rebuy I had 4k stack. Trippled up and got 14k - close to average.
Then built up my stack to 75k when the guy before me with the same stack pushed all-in from the button for second time. I was with Ace and 9 suited and called. He shown 65o and I doubled up.
At the end we had really long bubble. Until I got AJ and shorstack called my push with pocket 7. Jack came on the river and we all were happy (except the shorstack LOL). Below is the last hand:

31k pot won in $8 freezout
Pissed off from shorstack gambler
Doubled up with AK and flop K, we went all in after the flop
Out in 2r1a
Lost hand with KQs vs AQ vs 88
In final one I shoved with flush and straight draw after the flop but no help.
$8 freezout - fullhouse for 14 pot
All checked flop.
He bet on turn, I raised he called.
22k chips at the moment
Break time chip count 8k in freezout (125/250 blinds, 10k avg.), 11.2k 2r1a (50/100 blinds, 9.7k avg.)
Had downswing last 30 minutes.
A bit luck a bit bluffs, but the situation is under control in the both tournaments at the moment.
$8 freezout - 10k stack after 3 good hands and loss vs opponent who rivered for 10k pot

Hand 1 - I opened with 275 chips, but no one called my 425 bet on the flop
Hand 2 - Next hand. Same situation. The difference is the guy tried to bluff me.
Hand 3 - Two hands later. He shoved pre-flop in wrong moment.
Hand 4 - Life is not sweets and roses only. I outplayed him. We were all-in on the turn and river crushed me.
$8 freezout - nice work with the black kings
3440 pot in the freezout
Two tournaments tonight - $8 freezout and $5 2r1a
64th and 67th place yesterday in 2600+ participants tournaments
I played good poker yesterday. I believe I had better chances to make better results in these tournaments because more than 75% of the time I was above average stack in these two tournaments. It was same the previous day when I finished 32nd. Maybe missed good money but I already won additional dose of confidence in my skills.
Now I should keep that way of playing. And the better results will come. As we all know - final tables are counts, everything else is just a way to the final table.
Tonight I will play again $5.50 two rebuys and one add-on tournament which I cashed last two days. I could add one $11 freezout also but I still didn't decide.
Almost out with 1bb stack. Lost 77 vs 99 387k pot
Seems I never can get the luck in the right moment.
After 30-40 minutes of card dead play, I finally got pocket 77 from cutoff-1 position. And what? BB called my raise after some consideration and shown... pocket nines.
Never in the right moment.
Now I should try miracles with these 9k chips (4k/8k blinds with 1k ante)
156k stack, 150k avg.stack
Outplayed from the button for 100k pot with QQ but the guy shown A4 and got A flop, A river.
Then I played like a lion and now I am back above the average stack.
First time under the avg.stack in the tournament
Two times AA in 5 hands but after that unlucky one - pocket 77 called 2.5bb bet, flop 33x, and lost vs JJ
79k stack, blinds are 2k/4k
Good read for 90k pot
Another 20k pot collected with 77 vs shorstack AK
25k pot won in first hand after the break on the new table
Break time, my chip count - 53.6k avg stack is 35.5k, blinds 400/800
It's next break time, my chip count - 53.6k avg stack is 35.5k, blinds 400/800.
I won last hand with ATs and Axx flop, shorstack shoved preflop with QT, other guy called. I bet flop 11500 but the other guy folded.
I hope to play same good poker after the break.
45400 chips on the break. 150/300 blinds
I went up with QT hand and Q flop T river vs AA and 88 guys. For amazing 47k pot. My stack increased to 50k after that hand. Next hand I called raise with QT hand and flop KJx gave me chance for straight. Opponent had JT but called my bet on the river when another King came.
Stack is solid and open chances for this tournament. I just need to play my best to use them.
Another 11k pot with flopped flush I won. The guy had straight, btw my straight was better than his LOL
10k pot won for 15.5k stack
Nice 10k pot I won with J9s and top pair. The guy called my flop/turn/river bets and mucked his pocket eights.
Nice start AK vs AQ - both flush draw after the flop but mine is nuts
Bad run today/this week
After the good run in the first today's tournament - 64th place, next ones I was so unlucky lots of times and didn't realize my chances :(
In 3rebuy with 10k stack and blind levels 75/150 I missed AK vs AA
After that I played $11 freezout (20k gtd) and what a surprise!!! AKs on UTG and UTG+1 had.... pocket Aces!!!
Maybe it is not my day today?! Or maybe not my week because today is copying last 3-4 days.
Nevertheless, my confidence is that this week was useful for my poker skills. I worked hard and one day the success will come. I need it as quick as it possible.
Why not in upcoming one? $5,50 with two rebuys. Wish me luck!
Suckout vs my AQ hand and A97 shadow flop
3.30$ rebuy progress
I won SnG table (10 players) to recover my confidence until the rebuy period of 60k guaranteed.
Missed to build up 10k stack after flopped straight flush draw and straight on the turn. But river gave to one of opponents better straight :(
Then lost TT vs QQ hand and I'm still with initial 3000 chips. May I do better or not?
I liked previous table but it was closed.
Out. I'm feeling upset. Unlucky again.
All was great for me until that hand. If I won it I could move up 8th in chips and to feel comfortable with 100+ big blinds stack for long period of play.
Unfortunately the fortune doesn't decide that for me in this tournament.
But I am not going to give up. I am planning to play two other tournaments - $11 freezout (Daily forty grand) and $3.30 rebuy with 60k guaranteed. I feel I just should keep the good play and the success will come. Why not tonight?
We'll see! :)
The good dream is over :(
AK but after pocket tens idiot who called all-in
No help from the community cards :(
Shorstack now.
New blind level 125/250 my stack is 7200
New blind level 125/250 my stack is 7200.
I won good 4100 chips pot in the last hand of the previous level.
Up and down, 5100 chips 100/200 blinds
Two hands with pocket pairs but stack is 5100 at the moment (100/200 blinds).
With 99 and flop T76 and turn T - opponent folded my turn bet.
Next hand pocket 66 vs short stack but he shown KK.
3600 pot won with KJ and K97 flop
3450 chips after first two levels in $22 freezout 20k guaranteed
I'm 3450 chips after first two levels in $22 freezout 20k guaranteed.
Table is tight and my stack is second (biggest one is 3600).
Finished 64th
I'm out in the first hand after the break.
Shoved from cutoff, button folded, but small blind woke up with pocket Jacks. No Queen for me and its over. 1 hour break and I will join $20k guaranteed $22 freezout.
Break time
It's break time. Stack is tiny but I didn't have bad play until now and I'm feeling OK with my performance until now. Of course I didn't give up and I believe I should find my chance to double up again and to come back in the fight for first place.
64 players left. Blinds are 1k/2k, my stack is 16k
Unlucky AJ vs TT, flop Txx
Unlucky AJ vs TT, flop Txx, shorstacked.
Big blind JJ after that, hold vs AJ, 17k stack, still short.
Last 100 players left, 600/1200 blinds, 50k stack, 40k avg.stack
Card dead but doubled up after that
9 before the money moved to another table
Blind levels 200/400, stack 19.3, avg. 15.7
blind level 150/300, stack 10.8k avg. 11.3k
AK from cutoff-1 vs JJ unlucky 12.5k stack
Upswing continues with KTs from CO-1
Next hand K8s vs limpers
Break time 50/100 blinds, 4000 stack, 4800 avg.
Looking not bad after first hour. Had luck to collect chips of weak player who shoved with second pair. Then AQs, 88, A7s (button) but unlucky for me dropped me from 5500 to 4000. Short coffee break and then back in battle.
$11 freezout 10k guaranteed in Pokerstars
Satellite to Sunday Million with 375FPP win today
March Hand Count 5492
Current status of my "cash battle"
Cash Bankroll: $261,86
Played hands: 5,492 hands
PL/100 hands: +58.9 big blinds
Had really good cash sessions. Increasing my bankroll with solid p&l results. I hope to keep that way in my next session today.
PokerStars Revises 2010 SCOOP Schedule
The 2010 SCOOP will get underway on Sunday, May 2nd and now boasts 38 major events with a prize pool of $45 million guaranteed. The series will offer something for everyone, as each event has a low (L), medium (M), and high-stakes (H) buy-in consisting of every poker format from No Limit Hold'em to Five-Card Draw to Badugi.
This year's SCOOP culminates with a Main Event on Sunday, May 16th that features a $10,300 buy-in $5 Million Guaranteed tournament, with the winner collecting a minimum of $1 million. Here's the official 2010 SCOOP schedule:
Sunday, May 2, 13:00 ET
Event 01-L: $22 NL Hold'em 6-max ($250K guaranteed)
Event 01-M: $215 NL Hold'em 6-max ($1M guaranteed)
Event 01-H: $2,100 NL Hold'em 6-max ($1M guaranteed)
Sunday, May 2, 17:00 ET (2-day event)
Event 02-L: $22 NL Hold'em ($500K guaranteed)
Event 02-M: $215 NL Hold'em ($2M guaranteed)
Event 02-H: $2,100 NL Hold'em ($2M guaranteed)
Monday, May 3 14:00 ET
Event 03-L: $5.50 NL Hold'em 6-max w/ rebuys ($250K guaranteed)
Event 03-M: $55 NL Hold'em 6-max w/ rebuys ($500K guaranteed)
Event 03-H: $530 NL Hold'em 6-max w/ rebuys ($1M guaranteed)
Monday, May 3, 17:00 ET
Event 04-L: $16.50 FL Badugi ($25K guaranteed)
Event 04-M: $162 FL Badugi ($50K guaranteed)
Event 04-H: $1,575 FL Badugi ($75K guaranteed)
Monday, May 3, 20:00 ET
Event 05-L: $11 PL Omaha turbo, 1R1A ($50K guaranteed)
Event 05-M: $109 PL Omaha turbo, 1R1A ($100K guaranteed)
Event 05-H: $1,050 PL Omaha turbo, 1R1A ($150K guaranteed)
Tuesday, May 4, 14:00 ET
Event 06-L: $11 PL 5-Card Draw ($25K guaranteed)
Event 06-M: $109 PL 5-Card Draw ($50K guaranteed)
Event 06-H: $1,050 PL 5-Card Draw ($75K guaranteed)
Tuesday, May 4, 17:00 ET
Event 07-L: $16.50 NL Hold'em Heads-Up ($100K guaranteed)
Event 07-M: $162 NL Hold'em Heads-Up ($250K guaranteed)
Event 07-H: $1,575 NL Hold'em Heads-Up ($500K guaranteed)
Tuesday, May 4, 20:00 ET
Event 08-L: $11 NL Hold'em ($100K guaranteed)
Event 08-M: $109 NL Hold'em ($200K guaranteed)
Event 08-H: $1,050 NL Hold'em ($500K guaranteed)
Wednesday, May 5, 14:00 ET
Event 09-L: $22 Mixed Hold'em 6-max ($100K guaranteed)
Event 09-M: $215 Mixed Hold'em 6-max ($200K guaranteed)
Event 09-H: $2,100 Mixed Hold'em 6-max ($400K guaranteed)
Wednesday, May 5, 17:00 ET
Event 10-L: $33 7-Card Stud High ($25K guaranteed)
Event 10-M: $320 7-Card Stud High ($50K guaranteed)
Event 10-H: $3,150 7-Card Stud High ($100K guaranteed)
Thursday, May 6, 14:00 ET
Event 11-L: $22 PL Omaha Heads-Up ($25K guaranteed)
Event 11-M: $215 PL Omaha Heads-Up ($100K guaranteed)
Event 11-H: $2,100 PL Omaha Heads-Up ($200K guaranteed)
Thursday, May 6, 17:00 ET
Event 12-L: NL Hold'em -- TBD ($100K guaranteed)
Event 12-M: NL Hold'em --TBD ($200K guaranteed)
Event 12-H: NL Hold'em -- TBD ($300K guaranteed)
Friday, May 7, 14:00 ET
Event 13-L: $16.50 NL Hold'em Ante Up! ($50K guaranteed)
Event 13-M: $162 NL Hold'em Ante Up! ($100K guaranteed)
Event 13-H: $1,575 NL Hold'em Ante Up! ($200K guaranteed)
Friday, May 7, 17:00 ET
Event 14-L: $55 FL Omaha Hi/Lo ($50K guaranteed)
Event 14-M: $530 FL Omaha Hi/Lo ($150K guaranteed)
Event 14-H: $5,200 FL Omaha Hi/Lo ($250K guaranteed)
Friday, May 7, 20:00 ET
Event 15-L: $16.50 NL Hold'em 2X Chance turbo ($250K guaranteed)
Event 15-M: $162 NL Hold'em 2X Chance turbo ($500K guaranteed)
Event 15-H: $1,575 NL Hold'em 2X Chance turbo ($750K guaranteed)
Saturday, May 8, 14:00 ET
Event 16-L: $22 NL Hold'em -- Quadruple Shootout 10-max ($150K guaranteed)
Event 16-M: $215 NL Hold'em -- Triple Shootout 10-max ($150K guaranteed)
Event 16-H: $2,100 NL Hold'em -- Double Shootout 10-max ($200K guaranteed)
Saturday, May 8, 17:00 ET
Event 17-L: $16.50 PL Omaha 6-max w/ rebuys ($100K guaranteed)
Event 17-M: $162 PL Omaha 6-max w/ rebuys ($250K guaranteed)
Event 17-H: $1,575 PL Omaha 6-max w/ rebuys ($500K guaranteed)
Saturday, May 8, 20:00 ET
Event 18-L: $22 FL Hold'em turbo ($25K guaranteed)
Event 18-M: $215 FL Hold'em turbo ($100K guaranteed)
Event 18-H: $2,100 FL Hold'em turbo ($150K guaranteed)
Sunday, May 9, 13:00 ET
Event 19-L: $22 NL Hold'em big antes ($250K guaranteed)
Event 19-M: $215 NL Hold'em big antes ($750K guaranteed)
Event 19-H: $2,100 NL Hold'em big antes ($750K guaranteed)
Sunday, May 9, 17:00 ET (2-day event)
Event 20-L: $22 NL Hold'em ($500K guaranteed)
Event 20-M: $215 NL Hold'em ($2M guaranteed)
Event 20-H: $2,100 NL Hold'em ($2M guaranteed)
Monday, May 10, 14:00 ET
Event 21-L: $16.50 PL Hold'em / PL Omaha ($75K guaranteed)
Event 21-M: $162 PL Hold'em / PL Omaha ($200K guaranteed)
Event 21-H: $1,575 PL Hold'em / PL Omaha ($300K guaranteed)
Monday, May 10, 17:00 ET
Event 22-L: $33 NL Hold'em 4-max ($150K guaranteed)
Event 22-M: $320 NL Hold'em 4-max ($300K guaranteed)
Event 22-H: $3,150 NL Hold'em 4-max ($500K guaranteed)
Monday, May 10, 20:00 ET
Event 23-L: $11 NL Hold'em turbo w/ rebuys ($150K guaranteed)
Event 23-M: $109 NL Hold'em turbo w/ rebuys ($300K guaranteed)
Event 23-H: $1,050 NL Hold'em turbo w/ rebuys ($500K guaranteed)
Tuesday, May 11, 14:00 ET
Event 24-L: $11 Triple Draw 2-7 ($25K guaranteed)
Event 24-M: $109 Triple Draw 2-7 ($50K guaranteed)
Event 24-H: $1,050 Triple Draw 2-7 ($75K guaranteed)
Tuesday, May 11, 17:00 ET
Event 25-L: $22 7-Card Stud Hi/Lo ($50K guaranteed)
Event 25-M: $215 7-Card Stud Hi/Lo ($100K guaranteed)
Event 25-H: $2,100 7-Card Stud Hi/Lo ($150K guaranteed)
Tuesday, May 11, 20:00 ET
Event 26-L: $11 NL Hold'em ($100K guaranteed)
Event 26-M: $109 NL Hold'em ($200K guaranteed)
Event 26-H: $1,050 NL Hold'em ($500K guaranteed)
Wednesday, May 12, 14:00 ET
Event 27-L: $22 Razz ($50K guaranteed)
Event 27-M: $215 Razz ($100K guaranteed)
Event 27-H: $2,100 Razz ($150K guaranteed)
Wednesday, May 12, 17:00 ET
Event 28-L: $11 NL Hold'em w/ rebuys ($200K guaranteed)
Event 28-M: $109 NL Hold'em w/ rebuys ($400K guaranteed)
Event 28-H: $1,050 NL Hold'em w/ rebuys ($600K guaranteed)
Thursday, May 13, 14:00 ET
Event 29-L: $33 8-Game ($75K guaranteed)
Event 29-M: $320 8-Game ($150K guaranteed)
Event 29-H: $3,150 8-Game ($250K guaranteed)
Thursday, May 13, 17:00 ET
Event 30-L: $11 PL Omaha Hi/Lo ($75K guaranteed)
Event 30-M: $109 PL Omaha Hi/Lo ($150K guaranteed)
Event 30-H: $1,050 PL Omaha Hi/Lo ($300K guaranteed)
Friday, May 14, 14:00 ET
Event 31-L: $22 NL Hold'em 1R1A ($250K guaranteed)
Event 31-M: $215 NL Hold'em 1R1A ($500K guaranteed)
Event 31-H: $2,100 NL Hold'em 1R1A ($1M guaranteed)
Friday, May 14, 17:00 ET
Event 32-L: $55 FL Hold'em 6-max ($100K guaranteed)
Event 32-M: $530 FL Hold'em 6-max ($200K guaranteed)
Event 32-H: $5,200 FL Hold'em 6-max ($300K guaranteed)
Friday, May 14, 20:00 ET
Event 33-L: $22 NL Omaha Hi/Lo turbo ($50K guaranteed)
Event 33-M: $215 NL Omaha Hi/Lo turbo ($100K guaranteed)
Event 33-H: $2,100 NL Omaha Hi/Lo turbo ($200K guaranteed)
Saturday, May 15, 14:00 ET
Event 34-L: $55 PL Omaha 6-max ($100K guaranteed)
Event 34-M: $530 PL Omaha 6-max ($250K guaranteed)
Event 34-H: $5,200 PL Omaha 6-max ($500K guaranteed)
Saturday, May 15, 15:30 ET (2-day event)
Event 35-L: $270 NL Hold'em Heads-Up ($250K guaranteed)
Event 35-M: $2,600 NL Hold'em Heads-Up ($500K guaranteed)
Event 35-H: $25,500 NL Hold'em Heads-Up ($750K guaranteed)
Saturday, May 15, 17:00 ET
Event 36-L: $22 HORSE ($50K guaranteed)
Event 36-M: $215 HORSE ($100K guaranteed)
Event 36-H: $2,100 HORSE ($150K guaranteed)
Sunday, May 16, 13:00 ET
Event 37-L: $22 NL Hold'em ($200K guaranteed)
Event 37-M: $215 NL Hold'em ($750K guaranteed)
Event 37-H: $2,100 NL Hold'em ($750K guaranteed)
Sunday, May 16, 17:00 ET (2-day event)
Event 38-L: $109 NLHE Main Event ($1M guaranteed)
Event 38-M: $1,050 NLHE Main Event ($3M guaranteed)
Event 38-H: $10,300 NLHE Main Event ($5M guaranteed, $1M guaranteed to 1st Place)