
Hand of the day August, 7th

I am in 10 days holiday but played 250 hands today (50NL level)

I want to share with you my "hand of the day" where I won nice pot of 55$ with my KK against opponent's AQ

KK vs AQ


Anonymous said...

Prochetoh po-rano, che si trade-nal 215$T za 208$. Ako pregledash twoplustwo.com foruma shte namerish za 214$. Otdelno tova e nai-dobriq forum za poker. Uspeh na masite.

Anonymous said...

Drugoto koeto se chudq e zashto si s half stack na KKvs. AQ. Defakto si shtql da spechelish oshte 22$ ot taq ruka. Moje bi imash niska banka, ama v takuv sluchai probvai 25NL.